After “Heiner Weiland - Mir fehlt es an nichts” and “Sterben”, Anthoula Bourna does also the art-direction for the third immersive theatrical installation of the duo Kaufmann-Witt, “RIGBY”, to close the trilogy
The fictional start-up Rigby aims to capitalize on the friendship sector. We are already used to renting out apartments or cars using an app. Rigby now wants to commercialize the most private area, friendship. The company is therefore conducting its beta phase in the cities of Oberhausen and Mülheim and letting its users buy and sell friendship experiences in the rooms designed by Rigby. As a buyer of a theater ticket, you also become a user of this app.
After you have downloaded the app onto your cell phone, the game can begin:
You can use your starting credit to book topic-based telephone calls. However, for each completed experience you receive experience points and thus unlock further - increasingly complex - experiences. If you ever run out of credit and want to continue playing, you can also offer experiences yourself (e.g. a phone call) and thus generate new credits.
Rigby offers you numerous immersive one-on-one experiences with eight performers at a total of twelve different locations in Oberhausen and Mülheim. Among them: a water tower, an empty multiplex cinema or a city pavilion that has been redecorated into a jungle. The encounters are led by the performers and always have a motto: you go shopping together, have a picnic or visit a zoo together. Every experience is different, but always revolves around the theme of friendship.
Photos by Katrin Ribe and Patrick Sobottka
Performance: Nadja Bruder, Agnes Decker, Martin Heise, David Lau, Iris Minich, Agnieszka Salamon, Simon Steinhorst, Gunnar Titzmann
Directing: Kaufmann/Witt
Text/Concept collaborator: Sean Keller
Art Director/Set Design: Anthoula Bourna
Costumes: Christina Geiger
UI-/Motion-Graphic Design: Georgios Kondylis
Video: Arda Funda
Dramaturgie: Jascha Fendel
Instagram: Anna Júlia Amaral
Production:Jasna Witkoski
In cooperation with the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr. Funded by: „DIVE.IN – Programm für digitale Interaktion“ der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, NRW KULTURsekretariat Wuppertal und Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.